Artistic 藝術風 | ||
Colored Pencil 彩色鉛筆 | Cutout 挖剪圖案 | Dry Brush 乾性筆刷 |
Film Grain 粒狀影像 | Fresco 壁畫 | Neon Glow 霓虹光 |
Paint Daubs 塗抹繪畫 | Palette Knife 調色刀 | Plastic Wrap 塑膠覆膜 |
Poster Edges 海報邊緣 | Rough Pastels 粗粉蠟筆 | Smudge Stick 塗抹沾污 |
Sponge 海綿效果 | Underpainting 著底色 | Watercolor 水彩 |
Blur 模糊 | ||
Average 平均 | Blur 模糊 | Blur More 更模糊 |
Box Blur 方框模糊 | Gaussian Blur 高斯模糊 | Lens Blur 鏡頭模糊 |
Motion 動態模糊 | Radio 放射狀模糊 | Shape Blur 形狀模糊 |
Smart Blur 智慧型模糊 | Surface Blur 表面模糊 | |
Brush Strokes 筆觸 | ||
Accented Edges 強調邊緣 | Angled Strokes 角度筆觸 | Crosshatch 交叉底紋 |
Dark Strokes 變暗筆觸 | Ink Outlines 油墨外框 | Spatter 潑濺 |
Sprayed Strokes 噴灑 | Sumi-e 墨繪 | |
Distort 扭曲 | ||
Diffuse Glow 擴散效果 | Displace filter 移置 | Glass 玻璃效果 |
Lens Correction 鏡頭校正 | Ocean Ripple 海浪效果 | Pinch 旋轉效果 |
Polar Coordinates 內縮和外擴 | Ripple 漣漪效果 | Shear 傾斜效果 |
Spherize 魚眼效果 | Twirl 扭轉效果 | Wave 波形效果 |
ZigZag 鋸齒狀 | ||
Noise 雜訊 | ||
Add Noise 增加雜訊 | Despeckle 去除斑點 | Dust & Scratches 汙點和刮痕 |
Median 中和 | Reduce Noise 減少雜訊 | |
Pixelate 像素 | ||
Color Halftone 彩色網屏 | Crystallize 結晶化 | Facet 多面體 |
Fragment 殘影 | Mezzotint 網線銅版 | Mosaic 馬賽克 |
Pointillize 點狀化 | ||
Render 演算上色 | ||
Clouds 雲狀效果 | Difference Clouds 雲彩效果 | Fiber 纖維 |
Lens Flare 反光效果 | Lighting Effects 光源效果 | |
Sharpen 銳利化 | ||
Sharpen 銳利化 | Sharpen Edges 銳利化邊緣 | Sharpen More 更銳利化 |
Smart Sharpen 智慧型銳利化 | Unsharp Mask 遮色片銳利化調整 | |
Sketch 素描 | ||
Bas Relief 立體浮雕 | Chalk & Charcoal 粉筆和炭筆 | Charcoal 炭筆效果 |
Chrome 鉻黃 | Note Paper 便條紙張效果 | Conte Crayon 蠟筆紋理 |
Graphic Pen 畫筆效果 | Halftone Pattern 網屏圖樣 | Photocopy 拓印 |
Plaster 石膏效果 | Reticulation 網狀效果 | Stamp 印章效果 |
Torn Edges 邊緣撕裂 | Water Paper 濕紙效果 | |
Stylize 風格化 | ||
Diffuse 擴散 | Emboss 浮雕 | Extrude 突出分割 |
Find Edges 找尋邊緣 | Glowing Edges 邊緣亮光化 | Solarize 曝光過度 |
Tiles 錯位分割 | Trace Contour 輪廓描圖 | Wind 風動效果 |
Texture 紋理 | ||
Craquelure 裂縫紋理 | Grain 粒狀紋理 | Mosaic Tile s 嵌磚效果 |
Patchwork 拼貼 | Stained Glass 彩繪玻璃 | Texturizer 紋理化 |
Video 視訊效果 | ||
De-Interlace 反交錯 | NTSC Colors (NTSC) 電視色彩 | |
Other 其他濾鏡 | ||
Custom 自訂 | High Pass 顏色快調 | Maximum 最大 |
Minimum 最小 | Offset 畫面錯位 |
Design is Struggle
2012年1月25日 星期三
2012年1月10日 星期二
Black Humor
2012年1月9日 星期一
大同推出雙子星(Kiki & Lala)電鍋
From 大同
不久之前1/6又開始一波Kiki & Lala電鍋的預購活動
據說林志玲是Kiki & Lala迷...也許會造成另一波搶購活動吧
From 大同
這次的Kiki & Lala電鍋看網路上寫一個3290...好貴阿 囧
這次Kiki & Lala電鍋照片:
From 大同
From 大同
想要的千萬別找我拿 因為這種限量的我想我應該也拿不到...
1/6在新開幕的復南門市可以預購 時間已經過了 囧
之前有經過 感覺還不錯 希望之後會有新氣象
附上新開幕復南門市的照片:(台北市大安區復興南路一段158號,忠孝復興站1號出口 西堤牛排旁)
整體看起來是不錯...但感覺還是有點台味 = =
尤其是那Slogan:實在 安心 咱ㄟ大同 這句感覺應該好好檢討一下...
不久之前1/6又開始一波Kiki & Lala電鍋的預購活動
據說林志玲是Kiki & Lala迷...也許會造成另一波搶購活動吧
From 大同
這次的Kiki & Lala電鍋看網路上寫一個3290...好貴阿 囧
這次Kiki & Lala電鍋照片:
From 大同
想要的千萬別找我拿 因為這種限量的我想我應該也拿不到...
1/6在新開幕的復南門市可以預購 時間已經過了 囧
之前有經過 感覺還不錯 希望之後會有新氣象
附上新開幕復南門市的照片:(台北市大安區復興南路一段158號,忠孝復興站1號出口 西堤牛排旁)
整體看起來是不錯...但感覺還是有點台味 = =
尤其是那Slogan:實在 安心 咱ㄟ大同 這句感覺應該好好檢討一下...
Design Gadget:SENZ Umbrella
form:Yanko Design
雖然是很久之前的東西 但還是來寫一下
這把傘叫做 SENZ Umbrella 利用特殊空氣力學設計
將雨全部檔在身後 還可以承受70mps的風速
把手是防滑橡膠材質製作的 目前有三種尺寸:Senz Mini, Original & XL
曾獲得German Design award 2010、Red dot design award 2007 及 Dutch design award 2006等獎項
Yanko Design Store售價54美金
from:Yanko Design
from:Yanko Design
下面影片是SENZ Umbrella的測試
雖然是很久之前的東西 但還是來寫一下
這把傘叫做 SENZ Umbrella 利用特殊空氣力學設計
將雨全部檔在身後 還可以承受70mps的風速
把手是防滑橡膠材質製作的 目前有三種尺寸:Senz Mini, Original & XL
曾獲得German Design award 2010、Red dot design award 2007 及 Dutch design award 2006等獎項
Yanko Design Store售價54美金
from:Yanko Design
from:Yanko Design
下面影片是SENZ Umbrella的測試
2012年1月8日 星期日
You're an innie! You thrive in unique situations on your own. You're a reliable expert at assimilating information as you gather complex information and filter it through your experiences and knowledge.
You're good at building deep connections with people by listening, understanding, and appearing calm. These traits make you good at writing and psychology. Other independent careers of interest to you include being an accountant, engineer, computer programmer, or counselor.
At times you feel uncomfortable meeting strangers, but that's social anxiety more than your personality. You need to challenge yourself in social situations otherwise your introverted behavior stops you from meeting and interacting with people.
Discover how you as an introvert can be more sociable, make friends, and connect with people at a deep level by reading this simple guide developed by a fellow introvert... Go to:
Introvert and Extrovert Personalty Type Test
You're an innie! You thrive in unique situations on your own. You're a reliable expert at assimilating information as you gather complex information and filter it through your experiences and knowledge.
You're good at building deep connections with people by listening, understanding, and appearing calm. These traits make you good at writing and psychology. Other independent careers of interest to you include being an accountant, engineer, computer programmer, or counselor.
At times you feel uncomfortable meeting strangers, but that's social anxiety more than your personality. You need to challenge yourself in social situations otherwise your introverted behavior stops you from meeting and interacting with people.
Discover how you as an introvert can be more sociable, make friends, and connect with people at a deep level by reading this simple guide developed by a fellow introvert... Go to:
Introvert and Extrovert Personalty Type Test
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