
2010年11月2日 星期二


According to leading Australian ID consultancies September 1998) Survey conducted by University of Canberra Industrial Design Department
1) Sketching and freehand drawing ability have to be excellent... designers have to be fast and fluid, not slow and considered. No polished rendering now required, but basic quick sketch rendering still worthwhile. FAST and loose is the key.
Rendering skills are rapidly being surpassed by software: 10 years ag Final renderings with pastels and markers 5 years ag Final renderings with Photoshop and Illustrator Now: Final renderings with Photoshop and Alias or Pro/E + 3D Studio Max
2) Good model making ability in foam, plaster, resins, MDF board including at least an awareness of Rapid Prototyping technologies such as SLA, SLS, LOM, silicon rubber castings, investment casting, soft tooling options etc.
3) Have to know a Vector based package (such as Freehand or Illustrator 7) and a Raster based package (such as Photoshop or Photostyler)
4) 3D Modelling skills in 1 high end package such as Pro/E, Alias, Catia, I-DEAS or to a lesser extent 1 mid-range package like Solidworks 98, Form Z, Rhino 3D, 3D Studio Max etc
5) 2D CAD skills in Autocad, Microstation or Vellum as a fall back position.
6) Self starters with good presentation and interpersonal skills (able to think on their feet at a client meeting and make a case for the concept), report writing (researching and understanding a detailed brief, documenting the design decision process, QA documentation) any industry experience a bonus (work experience, prior employment, field trips to industrial sites such as car manufacturers, plastic injection moulding plants, toolmakers etc).
7) Excellent appreciation of form and the interaction of positive and negative space.
8) Portfolios should have clear progression of the idea from fluid sketch to detailed sketch to 3D model, GA‘s are not enough! At least one fully detailed and toleranced part drawing of an injection moulded product, good clear photos of a good model... no poorly scanned sketches!
9) A solid understanding of the product development process and how ID fits with marketing (concept of designing for particular price points and niche markets) another bonus. A good understanding of industrial techniques such as extrusions, laser cutting, fasteners, welding, sheet metal production, composites, blow moulding, injection moulding for electronic products (no Escher products or poorly thought out part lines!). Ability to understand and design basic membrane switches a bonus.
10) All consultancies operate on an hourly fee basis and their designers must document time spent on each project accurately. Time management skills are vital as are an indication of how long the 3D renderings, models and detailed drawings took to complete. Employers want to start making money with the graduate very soon!

2010年4月7日 星期三

貝聿銘寫給年輕設計師的十點忠告(From Grab C4D)

[1] 好好規劃自己的路,不要跟著感覺走!根據個人的理想決策安排,絕大部分人並不指望成為什麽院士或教授,而是希望活得滋潤一些,爽一些。那麽,就需要慎重安 排自己的軌跡。從哪個行業入手,逐漸對該行業深入了解,不要頻繁跳槽,特別是不要為了一點工資而轉移陣地,從長遠看,這點錢根本不算什麽,當你對一個行業 有那麽幾年的體會,以後錢根本不是問題。頻繁地動蕩不是上策,最後你對哪個行業都沒有摸透,永遠是新手! 

[2] 可以做設計,切不可沈湎於設計。千萬不可一門心思鉆研設計!給自己很大壓力,如果你的心思全部放在這上面,那麽註定你將成為孔乙己一類的人物!適可而止為之,因為設計只不過是你今後前途的支柱 之一,而且還不是最大的支柱,除非你只願意到老還是個設計師!   

[3] 不要去做設計高手,只去做綜合素質高手!在企業裏混,我們時常瞧不起某人,說他“什麽都不懂,憑啥拿那麽多錢,憑啥升官!”這是普遍的典型的設計師的迂腐 之言。8051很牛嗎?人家能上去必然有他的本事,而且是你沒有的本事。你想想,老板搞經營那麽多年,難道見識不如你這個新兵?人家或許善於管理,善於領 會老板意圖,善於部門協調等等。因此務必培養自己多方面的能力,包括管理,親和力,察言觀色能力,攻關能力等,要成為綜合素質的高手,則前途無量,否則只 能躲在角落看顯示器!設計以外的技能才是更重要的本事!!從古到今,美國日本,一律如此!   

[4] 多交社會三教九流的朋友!不要只和設計師交往,認為有共同語言,其實更重要的是和其他類人物交往,如果你希望有朝一日當老板或高層管理,那麽你整日面對的 就是這些人。了解他們的經歷,思維習慣,愛好,學習他們處理問題的模式,了解社會各個角落的現象和問題,這是以後發展的巨大的本錢,沒有這些以後就會笨手 笨腳,跌跌撞撞,遇到重重困難,交不少學費,成功的概率大大降低!

[5] 知識涉獵不一定專,但一定要廣!多看看其他方面的書,金融,財會,進出口,稅務,法律等等,為以後做一些積累,以後的用處會更大!會少交許多學費!! 

[6] 抓住時機向工程管理或行政方面的轉變!要想有前途就不能一直搞設計,適當時候要轉變為管理,前途會更大,以前搞設計也沒有白搞,以後還用得著。搞管理可以 培養自己的領導能力,培養自己的市場概念和思維,同時為自己以後發展積累龐大的人脈!應該說這才是前途的真正支柱!!! 

[7] 逐漸克服自己的心裏弱點和性格缺陷!多疑,敏感,天真(貶義,並不可愛),猶豫不決,膽怯,多慮,臉皮太薄,心不夠黑,教條式思維。。。這些設計師普遍存 在的性格弱點必須改變!很難嗎?只在床上想一想當然不可能,去幫朋友守一個月地攤,包準有效果,去實踐,而不要只想!不克服這些缺點,一切不可能,甚至連 項目經理都當不好--盡管你可能設計技術不錯!   

[8] 工作的同時要為以後做準備!建立自己的工作環境!及早為自己配置一個工作環境,裝備電腦,業余可以接點活,一方面接觸市場,培養市場感覺,同時也積累資 金,更重要的是建立自己的網絡,咱搞技術的沒有錢,只有技術,技術的代表不是學歷和證書,而是人脈,有了這些,等待機會,否則,有了機會也抓不住!  

[9] 要學會善於推銷自己!不僅要能幹,還要能說,能寫,善於利用一切機會推銷自己,樹立自己的品牌形象,很必要!要創造條件讓別人了解自己,不然老板怎麽知道 你能幹?外面的人怎麽相信你?提早把自己推銷出去,機會自然會來找你!搞個個人主頁是個好註意!!特別是培養自己在行業的名氣,有了名氣,高薪機會自不在 話下,更重要的是有合作的機會...   

[10] 該出手時便出手!永遠不可能有100%把握!!!條件差不多就要大膽去幹,去闖出自己的事業,不要猶豫,不要仿徨,幹了不一定成功,但至少為下一次沖擊積 累了經驗,不幹永遠沒出息,而且要幹成必然要經歷失敗.